Dear Hospital Leader,

Because as much as 70% of your hospital’s revenues are tied to your hospital’s operating room, your OR is the largest driver of revenue for your hospital. But, because it also contains the most expensive implants, supplies and technologies, this “business within a business” also constitutes your hospital’s largest expense. 

The game-changing question you face is: “How can YOUR hospital decrease costs and increase revenues in your OR, to increase your hospital’s profitability?”

To help you answer that question, we drew on our experience generating more than $450 million in non-labor cost savings and revenue improvements to create this powerful, concise assessment.

Your answers to these few, quick questions are all we need to create personalized recommendations on how you can make the OR improvements that will drive your profits. When you finish, you can get a downloadable PDF of your results.

How many operating rooms does your hospital have?
Do you want to expand your OR surgical service lines?

To what degree are you focusing on each of the following issues, problems, or challenges?

 Highest priorityHigh priority but not the highestSomewhat of a priorityNot a priority at all
Reducing costs in the OR
Increasing OR efficiency (room utilization and/or turnover time)
Addressing concerns about inventory
Increasing your ability to analyze OR contribution margins (e.g., for specific surgery lines)
Reducing costs in the OR
Increasing OR efficiency (room utilization and/or turnover time)
Addressing concerns about inventory
Increasing your ability to analyze OR contribution margins (e.g., for specific surgery lines)