Your Expansion Passport® concentrates on increasing resources in all different areas of life. Although financial abundance is important, so is your health and happiness.

This assessment focuses on the 8 mindsets that make up Your Expansion Passport®. For each mindset, you will be asked to rate, using a 1-12 scale, WHERE YOU ARE NOW and WHERE YOU WANT TO BE on that mindset.

Please read the first 4 statements for each mindset and click the number (1-12) that best represents where you are now on that mindset. Then, move forward to the next set of statements and click the number that represents your goal for that mindset.

Once you submit your answers, we'll provide a report that (a) shows you how close you are to your goals and (b) provides tips on how you can achieve your goals more quickly. The report will appear on your screen shortly after you click "submit."

Your Readiness Mindset - Where are You NOW?
You haven't been able to establish an adequate emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
You have an emergency fund that would cover 1 month or less of living expenses.
You have an emergency fund that would cover 1-3 months of living expenses.
You have an emergency fund that would cover at least 3-6 months of living expenses.
Your Readiness Mindset - Where do You Want to Be — GOAL?
You don’t want to have a plan for an emergency fund.
You want to have an emergency fund that would cover one month or less of living expenses.
You want to have an emergency fund that would cover 1-3 months of living expenses.
You want to have an emergency fund that would cover at least 3-6 months of living expenses.
Your Foundation Mindset - Where are You NOW?
You haven't been able to put in place any of the 5 key protections (life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, a will and/or trust, and savings).
You have 1-2 of these 5 key protections in place.
You have 2-3 of these 5 key protections in place.
You have 4-5 of these key protections in place.
Your Foundation Mindset - Where Do You Want to Be — GOAL?
You haven't really thought about or planned for getting the 5 key protections (life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, a will and/or trust, and savings) in place for your loved ones.
You want to have 1-2 of these 5 key protections in place.
You want to have 2-3 of these 5 key protections in place.
You want to have 4-5 of these key protections in place.
Your Expansion Passport®